Why using Linux?
I have been using Ubuntu 16.4 (Linux) recently and I love it. At beginning, my work place offered me various operating systems for my work computer, including Windows 10 and OS-X. However, I opted to use a Linux-based operating system. There are several main reasons personally why I force myself to use Linux: It is a free operating system. It is the main operating system used in 99% supercomputer in the world [1]. Currently, I am also using a supercomputer cluster to support my scientific works. As an engineer, I may need to utilise different kinds of computing platform, such as Raspberry Pi . The Raspberry Pi Foundation recommends the use of Raspbian , a Debian-based Linux operating system [2]. Many other hardware have been used Linux for their operating systems. For example, Robot Operating System ( ROS ), that is an open source robotics platform on Linux [3]. This comes back to point 1, since it is a free operating system, it has been utilised to develop furt...